
The lottery contributes billions of dollars to the economy every year. Many people play for fun while others believe that the jackpot is their answer to a better life. Regardless of why one plays, it is important to understand that the odds are very low. In fact, most people don’t win a prize at all.

The earliest recorded lotteries in the Low Countries of the 15th century raised money for town fortifications and to help the poor. It is not surprising that lottery games have been embraced by states seeking to increase their spending on public services without raising taxes on the general population.

But the main argument that is used to promote state lotteries is not the specific benefits they provide, but their value as “painless revenue,” with voters voluntarily spending money (and politicians getting tax revenue for free). The problem is that the dynamic of this arrangement is flawed from the beginning.

Lottery players tend to be from middle-income neighborhoods, while less wealthy individuals participate at a much lower rate. This trend is even more pronounced when considering the playing patterns of different types of lottery games. For instance, scratch tickets are often preferred by lower-income individuals, while more sophisticated games like keno and powerball are played predominantly by upper-income households. This is the result of a fundamental human impulse to covet money and all that it can buy. As Christians, we are called to avoid covetousness.